Les 9 ateliers danse de Méry (73) se sont terminés vendredi avec une présentation très publique, trac, excitation, écoute, espace -temps et forme étaient au programme...
If you miss Stef Batten Bland, Heather Lang, Raphael Kaney Duverger, Latra A Wilson,Eric Owens, Rubén Graciani, Emilie Camacho, Kevin Bachman and Misha cause he was there... yes... There it is...
Yesterday was a dance day, wake up early, ballet class without balance (stay in the plane) Stef Batten Blend Class, and dance party at the Bistro... Today will be a music day ...
Lots of streets today from East to Staten ISLAND, from Financial District to Central Park, let's see those very pro artists in the park and them smart way to sell tickets, have a hot dog and walk until the 30's : Chrysler, Empire and Flat buildings... jumps on the 5TH... and home reharsal.